Updated demo release

There is joyous news today! In addition to my work on the client / server programs, I am continuing the development of other parts. There have been many small changes and fixes. For this reason, I have put the updated demo version online.

A short overview of the major enhancements:
  • The sky is properly rendered now: technically simple, but visually much more pleasing than before.

    Many thanks to Stecki for allowing me to include his sky maps with Ca3DE!
  • All T-junctions are eliminated on map change.
  • Mouse input is now supported.
  • The keyboard layout (character control) has been changed to the commonly used one. The readme.txt file has a detailed key assignment list. Together with the mouse-look feature, this will greatly contribute to your convenience, as the new settings now reflect the two most popular character control settings.
    (A keyboard layout customization facility will soon follow.)
  • Major code design enhancements have been made.
For a complete list of changes see the changes.txt file (available in the Download area).

The DOS version of Ca3DE ist not included with the demo version anymore. That's a pity (for historical reasons I'm sad to see it go), but the DOS renderer was a pain to maintain and not a particularly good fit for the current targeted computers. (If someone still wants to see Ca3DE on DOS, I can send out the old demo by email.)