25 years c't: Ca3D-Engine special edition available

Germany's well-known and renowned computer magazine c't is celebrating its 25th anniversary! On the occasion of their jubilee, reader contests in several areas of computer technology have been arranged, and the latest printed issue 24/2008 comes with a DVD that contains a collection of 125 specially chosen software programs that are normally not available for free download.

We're proud to announce that the Ca3D-Engine is one of the "software perls" that made it on the magazine DVD that ships with the printed 24/2008 edition!

For readers of the c't magazine, we offer
commercial use of the Ca3D-Engine and
• a 20% discount on the Ca3D-Engine Standard Source Code License.

Readers can register at http://www.ca3d-engine.de/25-jahre-ct where they must answer a simple question with the printed issue in order to obtain the special privileges. Issue 24/2008 has been mailed to subscribers today and is available in stores beginning on Monday, November 10th - make sure you get a copy while they are still in stock!!