Map Compilation Error

A forum about everything related to the Cafu World Editor CaWE: mapping, editing, scripting, making GUIs and fonts, using the BSP, PVS and Light compilers.
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Map Compilation Error

Post by SoulRider » 2014-06-13, 01:53

Hey Carsten,

I wanted to make a quick test map, but when I compiled it I ran into one of your Curiosity errors.

All I did was make a very basic map featuring only a terrain with walls and a skybox, and a player start. I also added a pointlight source.

Here is your error in full:

Code: Select all

Console initialized.

> compile (quick) G:\Git\CafuEntity\Games\DeathMatch\Maps\A1.cmap

Map compilation error: '' File not found.

> compile (quick) G:\Git\CafuEntity\Games\DeathMatch\Maps\A1.cmap

Map compilation: Running command 'G:\Git\CafuEntity\build\win32\vc11\x86\debug\CaBSP\CaBSP.exe "Games\DeathMatch\Maps\A1.cmap" "Games\DeathMatch\Worlds\"'

*** Cafu Binary Space Partitioning Utility, Version 11 (Jun 12 2014) ***

Warning: Failed to open ZIP archive Games/DeathMatch/Textures/
Registering archive "Games/DeathMatch/Textures/".

*** Load World Games\DeathMatch\Maps\A1.cmap ***
All game entities done, processing the worldspawn entity now.
Face Children    :         36    Draw World Outer Point Samples:     6
InfoPlayerStarts :          1
Other Children   :          1
Entities         :          3

*** Binary Space Partitioning ***                   0: 0: 1
Nodes  created      :         30
Leaves created      :         31
Faces               :         42

*** Portalization ***                               0: 0: 1
Portalization       :       done
Portals             :        134

*** Fill Inside ***                                 0: 0: 1
Inner Leaves        :          1
Faces               :          0

*** Chop Up Interpenetrations ***                   0: 0: 1

Mh. I expected at least 2 faces to be left, but there are not.
(Actually, there should be even more, at least 5 or 6.)
Please contact, tell him about this error,
and if possible, also attach this map file to your email.
FATAL ERROR: Stopped by curiosity.
Program aborted.

Error: Map compilation process 5284 exited with code 1.
I've probably missed something vital like world walls or something, but I am a bit out of touch with bsp mapping, as I've become used to the Spark solution for NS2, haha. I've attached the map file.

EDIT - Apparently I cannot attach the map file. Here is a link -
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Re: Map Compilation Error

Post by Carsten » 2014-06-13, 13:18

Hi SoulRider,

thanks for your detailed report!

Infos, fixes and actions:
  • I've updated the forum attachment settings, so that Cafu-specific files up to 5 MB can now be added as well (cent, cgui, cmap, cmat, cmdl, lua).
  • Please note that since the introduction of the Entity Component System, a map as created in the Map Editor consists in fact of two files: some_map.cmap, which contains the "geometry", and some_map.cent, which contains the entity definitions and is in fact a Lua script.
    (As the cmap file format did not change from pre-component-system times, in your A1.cmap file I edited its line "Version 14" to "Version 13", so that CaWE could load it even without the cent file, (re-)creating the cent file automatically while (re-)converting the cmap file from version 13 to 14. ;-) )
  • As a side note (to myself), this time I too experienced the problem described at, which I should address asap.
  • About your map, its lateral dimensions are really large. The tools and the engine should be able to handle that, though. However, the height of the "sky box" is quite small, so that the human player hardly fits into it. I've edited it a bit, moving the ceiling up and increasing the height of the four walls accordingly, then also moving the player origin up a bit. This is not related to CaBSP's compilation problem that you reported, but the map is easier to edit in the Map Editor and the player doesn't start stuck in ground this way. ;-) (I'm attaching the files of the edited A1 map.)
  • Now the real problem is described in, which I've newly created. That is, please try updating your CaWE configuration to use the "release" builds of the map compile tools instead of the "debug" builds. With the release builds, you should be able to use the Compile menu to compile the map as expected.
  • A note about the lighting: Unfortunately, our lighting on terrains is not yet fully implemented. Whereas both Radiosity (lightmapped) and dynamic lighting works well on normal brush and bezier patch and model surfaces, terrains are, at this time, somewhat "exempted". This is because Radiosity and stencil shadows don't agree well with terrains, and the intention is to get this right with the "shadow mapping" technique asap.
If you experience more issues, please let me know -- I'm happy to hear about and happy to fix them! (I'll look into the two above mentioned tickets over the weekend.) :up:
(1.84KiB)Downloaded 568 times
(402.78KiB)Downloaded 570 times
Best regards,
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Re: Map Compilation Error

Post by SoulRider » 2014-06-13, 16:34

Thanks for the reply.

I was having a few problems with using the editor. When I created the terrain box, although I was on a 512 grid, the height was really low. While I was able to raise the ceiling in a previous attempt, everytime I tried to raise the walls, they slanted. User error undoubtedly, but the Editor is not very intuitive for me in regards to resizing walls. In other ways it is great, I just can't figure out manipulation of brushes, it seems unnecesarily complex. I'll get there in the end.

Thanks for the map update. I did have a version 14 with .cent file, I just decided to post the cmap file because I assumed I'd done something wrong with the geometry :)

As for the size, I just wanted to try some experiments in a single map, and it gives me a chance to test performance extremes of the engine :D I doubt a gameworld would be that big.
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Re: Map Compilation Error

Post by SoulRider » 2014-06-13, 17:17

The previous error I posted was from running the compile in CaWE. I just tried to do a command line run and it comes up with the following message, but nothing happens..

G:\Git\CafuEntity>python Games\DeathMatch\ A1
Using tools in build/win32/vc11/x86/release

If I try to compile one of the default maps, it works fine.

Compiling in the release version of CaWE works correctly, but I am at a loss as to why the command line won't work for it.

Just ran from one side of the map to the other, and it takes just over 7mins 30secs. That is a very big map haha.
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Re: Map Compilation Error

Post by Carsten » 2014-06-14, 11:00

I was having a few problems with using the editor. When I created the terrain box, although I was on a 512 grid, the height was really low. While I was able to raise the ceiling in a previous attempt, everytime I tried to raise the walls, they slanted. User error undoubtedly, but the Editor is not very intuitive for me in regards to resizing walls. In other ways it is great, I just can't figure out manipulation of brushes, it seems unnecesarily complex. I'll get there in the end.
Yes, working with very large brushes, especially if only one of their sides is much larger than the others, can be quite difficult. First measures that usually help are maximizing the 2D view and/or significantly zooming out, scrolling at the high level overview, then zooming in again at the spot of interest.

If the walls slanted, you were probably in Shearing mode. The three transformation modes are toggled by clicking in the inside of an already selected object. This again can be quite difficult to see with very large objects whose "handles" are possibly not visible in the 2D view.

Generally, brushes (and other objects) are edited with the Selection, Clipping and Morph tools. I have plans to add other means of editing as well, e.g. allowing transforms also in 3D views (the Morph tool does that already), and adding "gizmos" both in the 2D and 3D views that are possibly more intuitive to use than the selection handles.
The previous error I posted was from running the compile in CaWE. I just tried to do a command line run and it comes up with the following message, but nothing happens..

G:\Git\CafuEntity>python Games\DeathMatch\ A1
Using tools in build/win32/vc11/x86/release

If I try to compile one of the default maps, it works fine.
Yes, the was originally not intended for general use. However, I just augmented its functionality: Please pull the latest changes from the repository, it should then work when you call it as shown above. :up:

Btw., yesterday I also fixed ticket #132.
Compiling in the release version of CaWE works correctly, but I am at a loss as to why the command line won't work for it.
With your original problem (ticket #142, CaBSP fails with an error message) I must unfortunately say that I'm a bit lost, because I cannot reproduce this here. Even if I use the cmap file that you originally posted, compiling it with CaBSP succeeds for me, even using the debug build, all the time.

Can you still reproduce this problem?
If you can (in CaWE), can you reproduce it at the command-line (with the updated, too? (this uses the release build of CaBSP, though)
Last but not least, can you reproduce it with this command-line?

Code: Select all

build\win32\vc11\x86\debug\CaBSP\CaBSP.exe Games\DeathMatch\Maps\A1.cmap Games\DeathMatch\Worlds\
This is the same command-line that CaWE and use, explicitly using the debug build.
Just ran from one side of the map to the other, and it takes just over 7mins 30secs. That is a very big map haha.
Hehehe... :cheesy:
Best regards,
Joined:2014-04-06, 00:16

Re: Map Compilation Error

Post by SoulRider » 2014-06-19, 13:02

Just to let you know, I had to move at short notice. I am currently offline, using my mobile, so unable to do anything at the moment. The good news is that I have decided to focus all my efforts on developing in cafu when I return. Progress will be slow, but I aim to make a free game while learning the engine, then develop the tech further for future saleable games. I will chat to you further down the line about some form of custom licence.

I'll drop by when I am back online, but it may be quite a long time.
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Re: Map Compilation Error

Post by Carsten » 2014-06-19, 13:51

Hi SoulRider,

thanks for the update!

Good news is that I finished the transfer of the remaining very game-specific code (human player details, weapons handling) from the pre-component-system code to the new component-system basis just this morning. There is still a lot to do, but all these details are not very prominent and visible to game developers or users, so they can wait until later.

That means that I can now get back to the Map Editor, and fully concentrate on completing the last crucial steps of introducing the entity component system. This covers especially the Map Editor's user interface, which still exposes the old dialogs, but not yet those that go with the component system.

After all the previous work and the existing experience with the component system in the GUI Editor part of CaWE, I expect that the work will make progress in good time, being ready when you've completed your move and are back online. This also means that I'll be "dug into" the Map Editor while probably you too continue using it to a larger degree, and this being somewhat "in sync" is a good basis for having potential problems looked at, addressed and fixed quickly and effectively.

So in summary, schedules match quite well, and things are looking very good!

Good luck with your move! :up:
Best regards,
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