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Problem with making the game on win7 x64(2)

Posted: 2010-07-13, 17:07
by bigjj13

I just tried to make the latest source code, but there were some problems, again.

Code: Select all

C:\Users\Besitzer>Cd C:/Cafu-src-r76

scons: Reading SConscript files ...

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
eyword instead.
File "C:\Cafu-src-r76\SConstruct", line 237, in <module>

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
eyword instead.
File "C:\Cafu-src-r76\SConstruct", line 241, in <module>

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
eyword instead.
File "C:\Cafu-src-r76\SConstruct", line 245, in <module>

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
eyword instead.
File "C:\Cafu-src-r76\SConstruct", line 249, in <module>

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
eyword instead.
File "C:\Cafu-src-r76\SConstruct", line 253, in <module>

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
eyword instead.
File "C:\Cafu-src-r76\SConstruct", line 257, in <module>

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
eyword instead.
File "C:\Cafu-src-r76\SConstruct", line 261, in <module>

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
eyword instead.
File "C:\Cafu-src-r76\SConstruct", line 265, in <module>

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
eyword instead.
File "C:\Cafu-src-r76\SConstruct", line 269, in <module>

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
eyword instead.
File "C:\Cafu-src-r76\SConstruct", line 273, in <module>

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
eyword instead.
File "C:\Cafu-src-r76\SConstruct", line 277, in <module>

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
eyword instead.
File "C:\Cafu-src-r76\SConstruct", line 287, in <module>
nmake /nologo /f BUILD=debug SHARED=0 USE_OPENGL=1 RUNTIME_LIBS=stat
Der Befehl "nmake" ist entweder falsch geschrieben oder
konnte nicht gefunden werden.
scons: *** Error 1

Im using Win 7 x64
Python 2.6.4
Visual C++ 2008

Thank you for helping.


Re: Problem with making the game on win7 x64(2)

Posted: 2010-07-13, 22:36
by Carsten
Hi BigJJ,

well, these are the same issues as before, please see the previous thread starting at post

Also, please note that it would help to get the latest code from SVN, e.g. the warnings about build_dir are fixed there already.

I'm also still confused about your SCons not working by just typing scons at the command prompt - something seems to be wrong there.
(Does C:/Python26/Scripts/scons -v output the right version??)

Finally, please do not - I repeat: do NOT - use option -q. Use nothing, or -Q, but not -q. ;)

Summary: if you add line TARGET_ARCH='x86' as detailed in post, the build should work for you.

Btw., NVX has kindly provided me with remote access to a Win7 amd64 virtual machine - in fact I'm working on porting to 64-bit Windows right now. :up:

Re: Problem with making the game on win7 x64(2)

Posted: 2010-07-14, 14:09
by bigjj13

now it started making it, but there are some other errors, again:

Code: Select all

scons: Reading SConscript files ...

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
eyword instead.
File "C:\Cafu-src-r76\SConstruct", line 238, in <module>

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
eyword instead.
File "C:\Cafu-src-r76\SConstruct", line 242, in <module>

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
eyword instead.
File "C:\Cafu-src-r76\SConstruct", line 246, in <module>

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
eyword instead.
File "C:\Cafu-src-r76\SConstruct", line 250, in <module>

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
eyword instead.
File "C:\Cafu-src-r76\SConstruct", line 254, in <module>

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
eyword instead.
File "C:\Cafu-src-r76\SConstruct", line 258, in <module>

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
eyword instead.
File "C:\Cafu-src-r76\SConstruct", line 262, in <module>

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
eyword instead.
File "C:\Cafu-src-r76\SConstruct", line 266, in <module>

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
eyword instead.
File "C:\Cafu-src-r76\SConstruct", line 270, in <module>

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
eyword instead.
File "C:\Cafu-src-r76\SConstruct", line 274, in <module>

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
eyword instead.
File "C:\Cafu-src-r76\SConstruct", line 278, in <module>

scons: warning: The build_dir keyword has been deprecated; use the variant_dir k
eyword instead.
File "C:\Cafu-src-r76\SConstruct", line 288, in <module>
nmake /nologo /f BUILD=debug SHARED=0 USE_OPENGL=1 RUNTIME_LIBS=stat
nmake /nologo /f BUILD=release SHARED=0 USE_OPENGL=1 RUNTIME_LIBS=st
        if exist ..\..\lib\vc9_lib\wxbase29u.lib del ..\..\lib\vc9_lib\wxbase29u
        link /LIB /NOLOGO /OUT:..\..\lib\vc9_lib\wxbase29u.lib @C:\Users\Besitze
vc9_mswu\baselib_zipstrm.obj : fatal error LNK1106: Ungültige Datei oder Datentr
äger voll: Positionieren auf 0x48DD4 nicht möglich.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: ""D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\
VC\BIN\link.EXE"": Rückgabe-Code "0x452"
scons: *** Error 2

Thanks for your help



Re: Problem with making the game on win7 x64(2)

Posted: 2010-07-14, 14:48
by Carsten
Hi BigJJ,
bigjj13 wrote:

Code: Select all

nmake /nologo /f BUILD=debug SHARED=0 USE_OPENGL=1 RUNTIME_LIBS=static COMPILER_PREFIX=vc9
nmake /nologo /f BUILD=release SHARED=0 USE_OPENGL=1 RUNTIME_LIBS=static COMPILER_PREFIX=vc9
        if exist ..\..\lib\vc9_lib\wxbase29u.lib del ..\..\lib\vc9_lib\wxbase29u.lib
        link /LIB /NOLOGO /OUT:..\..\lib\vc9_lib\wxbase29u.lib @C:\Users\Besitzer\AppData\Local\Temp\nmE511.tmp
vc9_mswu\baselib_zipstrm.obj : fatal error LNK1106: Ungültige Datei oder Datenträger voll: Positionieren auf 0x48DD4 nicht möglich.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: ""D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\
VC\BIN\link.EXE"": Rückgabe-Code "0x452"
scons: *** Error 2

Well, it says "invalid file or disk full":
  1. First, please confirm that your disk is not full.
  2. Then retry, e.g. delete the mentioned file ExtLibs/wxWidgets/build/msw/vc9_mswu/baselib_zipstrm.obj. (Alternatively, you can also delete the whole subdirectories vc9_mswu and vc9_mswud in ExtLibs/wxWidgets/build/msw.)

Then restart scons.

Re: Problem with making the game on win7 x64(2)

Posted: 2010-07-14, 16:09
by bigjj13

Now it works.

